the 2022 nuclear power project construction experience exchange conference was held in ningbo-九游会登录

2023-12-04 13:50:13

the 2022 nuclear power project construction experience exchange conference was held in ningbo. more than 240 nuclear power association leaders and nuclear power industry experts gathered together to share nuclear power project construction experience and discuss high-quality nuclear energy development plans.

my company's deputy manager of the market department li qing, business manager chen guangfeng attended the meeting. during the conference, the natural defect weld test block, thin-walled tube defect test block, phased array test block and the newly launched visual training teaching demonstration test block were displayed. during the conference, manager li qing made a special report on the processing and quality control of artificial natural defects of welds, which was widely praised by industry experts.

nondestructive testing plays a vital role in the production, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of nuclear power equipment and nuclear waste. we provide a large number of equipment comparison simulation test blocks for china first heavy, shanghai electric, dongfang electric, harbin electric group and other nuclear power equipment manufacturers; it provides a large number of in-service test blocks and research blocks for nuclear power testing companies such as cnnc wuhan, cgn, and cnnc, and provides maintenance test blocks for major nuclear power plants in china, escorting the quality and safety of the domestic nuclear power industry!
